“The Garden of Evening Mists” is a historical fiction novel by Malaysian author Tan Twan Eng, first published in 2011. The story follows the character of Teoh Yun Ling, a retired Malaysian judge who seeks solace and closure after the trauma she experienced during the Japanese occupation of Malaya. She finds herself drawn to Yugiri, a mysterious Japanese garden in the Cameron Highlands, where she becomes an apprentice to the enigmatic and reclusive Nakamura Aritomo, the former gardener of the Japanese Emperor. As Yun Ling learns about the art of gardening and develops a deep bond with Aritomo, she is forced to confront her own painful memories and confront the dark secrets of her past. The novel explores themes of memory, loss, forgiveness, identity, and the power of art and nature to heal the human soul. The book received critical acclaim and was a finalist for the Man Booker Prize in 2012.