Three Poems

I sometimes write short poems to process my emotions.  Although I initially felt hesitant to share them because they are personal and probably not that good, I decided to do so anyway.  After reading Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act, I realized that art is sharing a human experience through one’s personal lens in the hope […]

What Are The Best Vietnamese Souvenirs? A Top 10

vietnamese souvenirs

Where are the best Vietnamese Souvenirs? When you are visiting Vietnam or just looking for recommendations, maybe you wondered about what to buy in Vietnam?  There are many typical options like a Vietnamese hat, Vietnamese coffee, or something related to food. But there is much more when it comes to Vietnamese gifts.  Today, we’ll share […]

Why To Stop Using The Term Developing Countries Now

We have many ways to divide the world. One of them is in developed and developing (or underdeveloped) countries. The term usually refers to a country’s economic and social status, but it’s without consensus. The world is complex, and simplifying things can be helpful. But we risk oversimplifying and defining the world based on outdated […]

Tired of Packing Anxiety? Here’s a Simple Solution

packing anxiety

Do you suffer from packing anxiety? Join the club! I always found packing a stressful activity. I wondered what to bring, what to leave if it was too much or too little, and so on.   My perfectionism sometimes gets the better of me, and what could be 30 minutes of packing becomes 2 hours of […]

Stuck In Life? Get Some Inspiration From Latest Lessons

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I turned 32 last week.  And since I always loved reading about people’s life lessons, I tried it myself in this post last year. Readers seemed to like it, and it was great fun, so I decided to do it again this year.  The result is this list with 40 lessons […]

Ready For The New Spirit Animal Game?

Spirit Animal

  What’s your spirit animal? A dog, an eagle, or maybe something braver, like a lion. It’s a game we’ve all played as kids but often forget about when we grew up. This was also the case for me until I came across Doug Good Feather’s book Think Indigenous (#9 in this spiritual books’ post). […]

Tired of Futile New Year’s Resolutions? Try This Method Instead


If you use New Year’s resolutions right, it is one of the most powerful tools in the world. But the truth is, most people don’t know how to use it. You set a goal to lose weight or stop smoking, and several weeks later, you already start struggling with your new habit. This article offers […]

Create Your Dream Life. How To Set Goals in 2025

Eight years ago, I felt stuck. Many of my decisions were guided by the expectations others had of me. Then a friend shared a goal-setting method. My life now is a direct result of the goals I set in 2014. I’ve lived in different countries, learned Spanish, developed a reading habit, and spent many beautiful moments […]

The Best Berlin Souvenirs & Tips | The Free Tour Shop

The Best Berlin Souvenirs

What are the best Berlin souvenirs?  You’ll find out in this guest post by The Free Tour Shop  Co-Founder, Carlos Sanvicente. Here’s his story. In February 2013, I made my way to Berlin, embarking on a new life as a tour guide, little did I know then that I would still be here 10 years later. […]

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