Iran is a country located in Western Asia, bordered by Iraq, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It has a population of approximately 85 million people and is known for its rich history, culture, and diverse landscape. Iran has a long and complex history that dates back to ancient times and has been influenced by many different civilizations, including the Persian Empire, Islamic Caliphate, and the Safavid dynasty.

Iran is home to many historical and cultural landmarks, including the ancient ruins of Persepolis, the beautiful mosques and palaces of Isfahan, and the stunning architecture of Shiraz. The country is also known for its rich artistic and literary traditions, with poets such as Rumi and Hafez achieving worldwide recognition.






by Simin Daneshvar



Symphony of
The Dead

by Abbas Maroufi




by Simin Daneshvar



The Blind Owl

by Sadegh Hedayat



The Colonel

by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi

“Savushun” is a novel by Iranian author Simin Daneshvar. It tells the story of a family living in Shiraz, Iran during the World War II and the tumultuous period following the Allied invasion of Iran. The novel explores themes of tradition, modernity, and cultural identity in Iran during this period.

“Symphony of the Dead” by Abbas Maroufi is a novel set in Iran during the 1980s, following the life of a man named Hamid Mozaffarian who finds himself entangled in a web of corruption, bureaucracy, and power struggles. Through his experiences, the book explores themes of disillusionment, isolation, and the search for meaning in a world that seems to have lost its way.

“Disoriental” by Négar Djavadi is a novel that tells the story of an Iranian family living in France. The protagonist, Kimia, reflects on her family’s past, including her parents’ involvement in the Iranian revolution and their subsequent exile. The book explores themes of identity, displacement, and the complexities of family history.

“The Blind Owl” by Sadegh Hedayat is a surrealist novel that explores the fragmented consciousness of an unnamed protagonist who is haunted by his past and struggling with his own sense of identity. The novel is known for its dark and unsettling themes, and its vivid depictions of the protagonist’s descent into madness.

“The Colonel” is a novel by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi that tells the story of a former military colonel in Iran who is arrested and taken to prison. The novel follows the colonel and his family as they try to cope with the harsh realities of life under an oppressive regime. It is a powerful portrayal of the struggles faced by ordinary people in a politically unstable and repressive society.


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Taste of Cherry

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About Ellie

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Just 6.5

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A Separation

“Taste of Cherry” is a 1997 Iranian film directed by Abbas Kiarostami. The movie follows the story of a middle-aged man, Mr. Badii, who drives around Tehran looking for someone to bury him after he commits suicide. Along the way, he picks up various passengers and engages them in philosophical conversations about the meaning of life and death. The movie won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1997.

“About Elly” is a 2009 Iranian drama film about a group of middle-class friends who go on a weekend beach trip, and the mysterious disappearance of Elly, one of the women in the group. The film explores themes of social conventions, personal responsibility, and the consequences of lies and secrets

“Just 6.5” is an Iranian crime drama film that follows a police officer’s pursuit of a drug lord in Tehran. The movie depicts the dark reality of drug addiction and drug trafficking in Iran and the challenges faced by law enforcement officials trying to tackle the issue.

“Persepolis” is a 2007 animated film based on the graphic novel of the same name by Marjane Satrapi. The movie tells the story of a young girl named Marjane growing up during the Islamic Revolution in Iran and her experiences as an Iranian living in Europe. It explores themes of identity, politics, and cultural differences.

“A Separation” is a 2011 Iranian drama film that explores themes of family, marriage, and social class. It follows a couple who must navigate a difficult divorce and custody battle for their daughter, while also dealing with the challenges of caring for an elderly parent with Alzheimer’s. The film won numerous awards, including the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.


Iran has a rich musical heritage that spans thousands of years and is deeply rooted in Persian culture. Traditional Iranian music is characterized by intricate melodies and rhythms and is often performed on traditional instruments such as the tar, setar, and santur.

Iranian classical music has been influenced by a variety of different musical traditions, including Arabic, Indian, and Central Asian music. The classical repertoire includes a variety of musical forms, such as the dastgah and avaz, which are based on a complex system of modal scales and rhythmic cycles.

In addition to classical music, Iran has a vibrant popular music scene that includes a diverse range of styles and genres. Iranian pop music emerged in the 1950s and has been influenced by Western pop music, as well as traditional Iranian music. Iranian pop artists like Googoosh and Ebi have achieved great popularity both in Iran and among the Iranian diaspora.

Iran is also home to a thriving underground music scene, with many young musicians experimenting with new sounds and styles. However, the Iranian government has imposed strict regulations on music and has banned many artists and genres, which has led to controversy and criticism within and outside of Iran. Despite these challenges, Iran continues to produce and celebrate music as an important part of its cultural heritage.



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